While you can’t replace being present in a room, virtual reality does have its advantages, including the ability to make a home design look more realistic. With this technology, you can virtually walk through your own home, as if you were physically there. A new design consultancy in London, Andrew Lucas Studio, has already put their VR interior design technology to good use. Here are three ways to use VR in home design:
AR enables you to add enhancements to a real-world environment, while VR creates an entirely new environment. You wear a VR headset to experience this technology, and can view the scene from any angle. Because the experience is so realistic, you can look around your room in every direction and get an accurate understanding of how different elements would fit together. VR technology can improve your interior design workflow by letting you explore all the possibilities of different interior designs.
VR is also helpful for professional purposes, as it eliminates the need for guesswork and visualisation. Some clients find it difficult to visualize a new interior, while others may have a hard time seeing the design in a 3-D space. With virtual reality, there’s no mental leap required – clients simply need to put on VR goggles and experience what the design will look like before making a final decision. VR can also make it easier to communicate complex details to clients who might not be familiar with the design process.
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