When choosing the best business credit cards for LLCs, look for rewards and generous loans. Also, look for excellent customer support. When applying for a business card, you will be asked for the business name and DBA (doing business as), if applicable. A sole proprietorship can use its name for this purpose. Other details include a business’ address and contact information, including a phone number and email address. An industry is also needed if you are financing major business expenses.
With a net worth of $12 million, Chloë Grace Moretz has the financial freedom to pursue projects that inspire her.
Business credit cards for LLCs are designed for small business owners to start their business credit history. The application process requires personal and business social security numbers. If you have good personal credit, you may be able to get approved for a business credit card, although it is not guaranteed. However, you should consider the minimum requirements. This is because some business credit cards require a personal guarantee from the business. If your personal credit history is bad, you should be aware of the requirements of getting approved for a business credit card.
Brex Inc. is a tech company that provides business credit cards for LLCs. Its 0% APR offer is great for new businesses. Brex is not a bank or credit card company, but it does offer a funding solution based on your business’ cash flow. You can also use the card to pay employees, rent office space, and more. You can also use Brex as a tool to track expenses and upload receipts.