Using toothpaste on pimples has long been an effective home remedy for acne. However, it is important to note that toothpaste can dry out the skin and cause further irritation or breakouts. Do not use toothpaste as a face mask – it will only cause your pimple to dry out more. It is also a good idea to leave toothpaste on for at least 30 minutes to one hour before going to bed. Click here malluwapnews to get the world best news around the world.
To use toothpaste for acne is a simple way to dry the pimple out, but it can cause a burning or itching sensation. If used over an extended period of time, toothpaste can aggravate the problem and produce bad results. As a result, toothpaste should be used sparingly. Use common sense and use other products as directed. It may be tempting to apply toothpaste overnight, but it does not work.
Aspirin is another good home remedy for acne because it contains salicylic acid. This ingredient removes dead skin and excess oil. To apply aspirin to the affected area, crush one or two tablets and make a paste. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. If you are worried about the side effects, use a mild moisturizer or a whitening cream.
Toothpaste is not an ideal solution for acne. Toothpaste can dry out the skin and even make it more prone to breakouts. Besides, it can also be irritating to the skin. Thus, it should only be used as a last resort. In any case, it should not be relied upon to treat an urgent zit crisis. If you’ve tried it, you should know that toothpaste is not an effective solution for acne. Here you can also get the world viral news from alltimesmagazine.