So you’re wondering how to make Alexa say something from your phone? You might be wondering whether it’s possible to program Alexa to say certain things based on a trigger word. If you have the Amazon Echo, you can do just that. With Alexa, you can use natural language to ask for things like playing NPR news, ordering more paper towels, or making a last minute call.
If you’re wondering how to make Alexa say something from your phone, you can use the popular “Simon Says” method. This technique will repeat a phrase or word until it sounds like you’re speaking it yourself. To trigger the command, simply say “Alexa, Simon Says x,” then select the device you want to use. This will trigger the Alexa bot to say whatever you want it to say.
If you’re using an Android phone, you can activate Alexa on your device by tapping the microphone button in the app. Your phone will then be listening to your command when the blue bar on the bottom of the device lights up. The app is built right into the Alexa platform, but you can still get rid of your phone’s microphone if you’re on iOS. To use Alexa on your Android phone, you should download the latest version of the Alexa app from the App Store. Then, open the app and tap on the “Alexa” button.
If you want to make Alexa swear, you should consider making use of the “Announce” function. This feature lets Alexa broadcast a typed message to all your Alexa-enabled devices. Be sure to avoid swear words and other explicit content. The announcement function can also be used to record a recording of your message. The app is also helpful if you want Alexa to read a text message.