Vertigo is not a condition in and of itself; rather, it is a symptom that indicates another problem is occurring in the body. Vertigo is a misperception that you or the things around you are moving while, in reality, neither of these things is happening. The majority of people describe the sensation as a whirling or spinning movement that might take place in either the horizontal or vertical plane. Attacks of vertigo can be random and last for only a few seconds, or they can be persistent and endure for days. To effectively cure a symptom, it is vital to determine its underlying cause because each symptom has a different cause, some of which are listed below.
Benign Vertigo With Paroxysmal Positional Attacks
This is one of the most common reasons for vertigo and is frequently referred to by its abbreviated name, BPPV. The sudden feeling that you are spinning or that the heat on the inside of you is spinning can be confusing. BPPV can induce fleeting episodes of dizziness ranging from severe to mild. The vast majority of these vertigo episodes are annoying, but in most cases, they are not severe. The symptom is transitory and rarely lasts for an extended period. Several different techniques used in physical therapy can help bring things back into balance and alleviate some of the symptoms. The Epley maneuver is a gentle technique that needs a series of simple movements to bring everything back into equilibrium.
Labyrinthitis is a condition of the inner ear that occurs between the two nerves that are located in the inner ear and convey information to the brain. Knowledge is vital to a person’s ability to maintain balance and control. Labyrinthitis is a disorder that can develop when any one of these nerves becomes inflamed. Labyrinthitis illness can cause a variety of symptoms, including nausea, vertigo, and hearing loss. Antihistamines available without a prescription can be of assistance to those experiencing these symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe some dizziness treatment medicine or something more potent if you have multiple symptoms.
Migraines are well-known for being able to cause severe head pain, which can often be accompanied by other symptoms. Vertigo is one of these symptoms that can occur. Some persons suffer from migraines and experience symptoms before the onset of the headache, and there are frequent factors that are associated with migraines. Vertigo might start up before you even get a migraine, or it can start up while the migraine is already in full swing. People who are prone to easily experiencing motion sickness are more likely to also suffer from vertigo in conjunction with migraines. There are several therapies available for migraines; however, vestibular suppressants, which are intended to restore equilibrium to the center of the cochlea in the inner ear, may be of interest to patients seeking relief from vertigo.
Vestibular Neuronitis
A sudden and severe bout of vertigo is the hallmark symptom of this condition. Inflammation of the vestibular nerve can cause a person to have a phantom sensation of movement or spinning. This nerve is a cranial nerve that contributes to the regulation of balance. People who have this illness may be given vestibular suppressants as a prescription to lessen the severity of their motion sickness and to assist them in coping with the problem.
Getting Help For Vertigo Symptoms
Vertigo can be brought on by several different conditions, the most common of which are BPPV, migraines, labyrinthitis, and vestibular neuronitis. However, if your vertigo symptoms are persistent and are interfering with your day-to-day activities, it is in your best interest to speak with a medical professional about the condition that is bringing on the discomfort. South Valley Neurology provides therapy for a variety of ear conditions, including some that may have vertigo as a symptom.
Get in touch with the experienced staff at South Valley Neurology for assistance if you are concerned that you may be experiencing issues in your inner ear, or if you want to determine whether or not this is the case before proceeding with other treatment choices.