The Diamond Girls is a 2004 novel by Jacqueline Wilson. The story follows the lives of four sisters, Dixie, Martine, Rochelle, and Jude, who are all named after different types of diamonds. The girls are from a poor family, but they are close-knit and supportive of each other.
The novel begins with the girls’ mother, Sue, becoming pregnant with her fifth child. She is convinced that this child will be a boy, and she names him Diamond. However, Diamond is born a girl, and Sue is disappointed.
The girls’ father, David, is a struggling musician. He is often away from home, and he does not provide much financial support for the family. The girls’ mother works multiple jobs to make ends meet, but they are still often short on money.
Despite their financial struggles, the Diamond Girls are happy and carefree. They love each other deeply, and they always have each other’s backs.
One day, the girls’ mother tells them that she is pregnant again. This time, she is sure that it will be a boy. The girls are excited, and they start planning for their new brother.
However, the baby is stillborn. The girls are devastated, and their mother is heartbroken. She blames herself for the baby’s death, and she becomes withdrawn and depressed.
The Diamond Girls try to be strong for their mother, but they are also struggling to cope with their grief. They feel lost and alone, and they don’t know how to move on.
One day, the girls’ mother receives a letter from a lawyer. The letter says that their father has died, and that he has left them a large sum of money. The girls are shocked and confused. They didn’t know that their father had any money, and they don’t know why he left it to them.
The girls decide to use the money to buy a new house. They also decide to start a business together. They open a jewelry store, and they name it “The Diamond Girls.”
The Diamond Girls’ jewelry store is a success. They sell beautiful and unique pieces of jewelry, and they soon become popular with the local community. The girls are proud of their business, and they are grateful for the opportunity to work together.
The Diamond Girls are also grateful for their friendship. They know that they can always count on each other, no matter what. They are a family, and they will always be there for each other.
In the novel, the multi stone engagement ring is a symbol of love, hope, and new beginnings. It is the gift that the girls’ father leaves them, and it represents his love and support. The ring also represents the girls’ new lives, free from financial hardship and with a bright future ahead of them.
The Diamond Girls is a heartwarming story about love, family, and friendship. It is a story about the power of hope, and the importance of never giving up on your dreams. talk about shit huy cuong • talk about shit • 2022