One of the most critical steps to take after having a motorcycle accident is to turn to an attorney. A good attorney can assist you in seeking compensation by gathering reliable evidence, speaking to the insurance company on your behalf, negotiating with them, and ensuring you get maximum compensation for your injuries and damages following the accident.
Your first meeting with your motorcycle injury lawyer is essential as it helps you understand the lawyer suited for your case. Therefore, there are certain requisites to make sure you are prepared for your first consultation.
Tips to prepare yourself when seeing a motorcycle accident for the first time.
List down questions to ask your lawyer.
It is always better to do your share of research about the procedures involved in cases similar to yours before taking any step further. This helps you to understand the kind of lawyer you would need, considering the case requirements and your specific needs. As the first meeting allows you to understand the attorney, make a list of questions to ascertain his/her experience, fee structure, etc. These questions do not have to be limited to this. Make sure to try to get your doubts and fears about the case answered in this meeting. This could be questions like, your eligibility for compensation, the likelihood of the case going to court, the prospect of winning the case, etc.
Prepare to answer your lawyer.
Remember that as much as it is an opportunity for you to know the lawyer, it is the same way for the lawyer to know you. So, state the answers to when, what, and how about the accident clearly as it was. Feel free to be honest about your answers, as that will better help the lawyer to know the stronger points on your side of the case. Do not panic or hesitate to answer when the lawyer asks something seemingly irrelevant to the scene. Avoid giving half information.
Put together all required documents.
Make sure to gather all sorts of documentation regarding the accident. Photos and videos of the accident spot, contact information of the driver(s) and witnesses involved, medical reports, police reports, insurance policies, and records of expenses are all of the utmost value for the lawyer to understand the case. In cases of claiming compensation from the negligent driver, it is of great regard as estimating the amount you are eligible for is essential. So, do not miss out on even the tiniest information you’ve collected.