The next big thing for your TikTok marketing strategy will be to define your target audience. This is an essential first step in developing a strategy. You should know who you’re trying to reach, what they like, and what they’re looking for in a TikTok video. If you don’t know, you’ll have to do some research. Here are some tips:
Focus on short video content. Gen Z has $140 billion in spending power, and they distrust traditional advertising. By 2022, the average TikTok user will be 16 years old. Similarly, 59% of TikTok users belong to the GenX and Millenial generation, but they’re also on the platform. Make sure your videos are optimized for the TikTok format to get the best results.
Target users by gender and age. You can target users based on demographics, such as age and location. This will help you get more viewers and boost your initial views. Targeted audiences are a great way to increase brand awareness. However, if you don’t want to spend a lot of money, focus on building a following on the platform first. Once you have a base of followers, you can use paid advertising to boost your brand.
Create content that engages users. Answer questions, engage with your followers, and be relevant to their interests. This will not only make your videos more interesting to viewers, but it will also increase the quality of your audience. Also, make sure your videos are short and sweet, but engaging. You’ll want to get the most out of your marketing efforts with TikTok. And if you’re not using this feature, you might as well stick to the basics hertube.