TCM is a system of traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for thousands of years. Its practitioners need to have a vast amount of knowledge and experience in order to diagnose and treat patients. To do so, a practitioner will need to carefully study the patient’s symptoms, causes, location, and physical and emotional conditions to make the appropriate treatment plan. If the patient is not responding to a specific treatment, TCM can be a useful tool to help them get back on track.
Traditional Chinese Medicine relies on the concept of qi, or “chi” in English, and is the basis for many treatments. The term refers to a universal force or energy that flows throughout the body via meridians. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are two complementary natures of qi: yin and yang. Yin refers to the negative, whereas yang is positive and warm. Understanding these two forces is key to health.
Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture are the two main pillars of TCM, but the practice is much more diverse. Acupuncture, tai chi, and acupressure are just a few of the treatments available. The purpose of each of these treatments is to promote health and balance in the body. Traditional Chinese medicine is an ancient system, a long history of practice, and a viable option for people who suffer from chronic pain.