If you want to keep track of your investments on your phone, you need to choose an app that combines portfolio management with in-depth analysis. Some apps are free, while others require an account. Mint and Personal Capital are great options for monitoring your portfolio, but if you’re planning on trading stocks, you’ll want to use a broker’s tool. Companies such as TD Ameritrade and E*TRADE have free, mobile apps that allow you to trade stocks. Other apps, such as SigFig, require a minimum investment.
There are many apps available, but a few stand out above the others. Morningstar is the best, since it offers comprehensive research and ratings on a variety of stocks. It is the most expensive app on the list, though, but it is well worth the price. It is the most comprehensive tool for stock portfolio and analysis. Users can access data on countless stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, and can access it from both an online app and a mobile app. Stock Rover is another great option, as it is a robust investment analysis website that lets you connect to your investment accounts dataromas.
Another great option is Stock Rover, a cheap, simple-to-use stock analysis app that offers supplementary features and analytics. The free version allows you to import your portfolio and set up alerts to alert you if any of your stocks are trading in unusual volumes. The paid version lets you analyze over 7,000 stocks and 260 metrics, and is also good for assessing the overall viability of your portfolio.