Why don’t the large law firms do family practice? It’s not just a question of appointing a family law attorney – the attorneys at those firms also have to be compassionate and skilled at handling emotionally charged situations. They must be able to balance the needs of both spouses, calm the emotional states, and avoid lying and exaggeration. Some attorneys are so desperate for referrals that they lie about facts and law to gain a favorable case.
If you hire a family law attorney to take your case, you are paying for an attorney who won’t fight for you and your spouse. Most attorneys are not competent enough to handle this type of case and often end up creating more problems for their clients than they resolve. Many attorneys will charge unreasonable fees for family law cases and have poor communication skills. You’ll also need a lawyer who can work in a short period of time without creating more stress.
Large law firms often have more resources than boutique firms. Boutique law firms often focus on one area, such as divorce and child custody. Because family law is so personal and complicated, you can’t afford to choose a general practice firm. Small boutique firms often don’t have the resources necessary to handle complex cases, and you’ll pay for the services of a specialized attorney who understands the law and can guide you in reaching your goals.