When you exercise, your blood pressure usually drops afterward. The reason for this is simple: exercise relaxes your blood vessels, allowing them to flow more easily. You can get an idea of the ideal blood pressure range for your height and weight by looking up your body mass index. During a workout, your blood pressure will be highest during the workout, and it will drop within a few hours afterward.
If you exercise for an extended period, you may experience a drop in your blood pressure afterward. This is because your blood vessels widen to release heat. In addition, your blood pressure can fall significantly when you do some exercises. Whether you sweat or not, this drop can be dangerous and may indicate a more serious underlying condition. This report discusses the importance of rehydrating after exercising in hot conditions.
Exercise is essential for maintaining proper heart health. Regular exercise strengthens your heart and makes it more efficient. But, if your blood pressure drops too low after a workout, consult your doctor to avoid any health risks associated with high-intensity exercise. You should avoid intense exercise if you have high blood pressure and see if it’s safe for you to continue. A moderate workout will also help your blood pressure. Make sure to gradually increase the length and intensity of your workout.
The most effective way to lower your blood pressure is to exercise on a regular basis. A one-hour exercise session can lower your pressure by up to one or two millimeters of mercury. And remember that the effects of exercise only last as long as you continue with the routine. However, this is not a cure for heart disease. You should continue exercising regularly until you reach your desired blood pressure. It takes about one to three months for the effects of exercise to become permanent.